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Silicone Fluid 6230W (Silicone Softener)
 点击数:90次 添加时间:2024-12-02 [打印] [返回] [收藏]

Silicone Fluid 6230W (Silicone Softener)

Silicone Fluid 6230W is the second generation upgraded terpolymer material product. It is developed for cotton knitting, acrylic yarn, T / C, A / C blended fabric, which gives the fabric unique inner soft, elastic, delicate smoothing hand feeling.


Imparts cotton knitting with unique inner soft, elastic, delicate smoothing hand feeling.

On acrylic yarn, it has better loose softness, elasticity and delicate touch.

On T / C knitting, it shows excellent internal mobility, which makes fabric have better touch of elegance and drapability.

High resistance to heat , alkaline,and anionic.

Little effect on color shade.


Appearance: yellowish transparent liquid

Ionicity: weak cationic

pH Value: 4.0-6.0 (1% aqueous solution)

Solubility: easy soluble with water at any ratio.


Padding process: 10g/L40g/L silicone fluid 6230W

Exhaustion process: 1%4% o.w.f silicone fluid 6230W

Liquor ratio: 1: 8~15

Time:  15~30 minutes

Temperature: 25~40

pH : 5.0~5.5 .

Storage & Package:

6 month in cool place and sealed container. Please keep away from light.

120kg /drum