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Anti-snagging/pilling Agent AP-6
 点击数:1203次 添加时间:2019-01-23 [打印] [返回] [收藏]

Anti-snagging/pilling Agent AP-6 is water-soluble dispersion of special acrylic copolymer. It is used for viscose, wool, synthetic and blended fabric with cellulose fibers as anti snagging/pilling agent. It is used for abrasion-resistant finishing and improve abrasion-resistance of fabric. It is also used as binding agent for brushed fabric and non-woven fabric and for finishing of coating fabric and flocked fabric.

Characteristics and advantage

◎ Obviously improve anti-snagging/pilling and abrasion-resistance after finishing by AP-6

◎ Very little affect on color shade and whiteness.

◎ Self-cross link, good softness and no formaldehyde releasing.

◎ Compatible with finishing agent.

Basic property

Appearance:   milky liquid

Ionicity:      cationic

pH Value:     4.0-6.0 (1% aqueous solution)

Solubility:     easily soluble in cold water at any ratio

Frost-resistance: not frost-resistance

Compatibility: compatible with nonionic and cationic. Pre-trial is done before using.

Recommended dosage

It can be used in exhausting and padding.

Dosage: 10-60G/L

Dipping in bath → drying (130℃-160℃×1-2min)


120kg plastic drum.


Can be stored for 6 months under cool and well ventilated condition.