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Silicone softener 2254+
 点击数:998次 添加时间:2016-08-06 [打印] [返回] [收藏]
Silicone softener 2254+ is multicomponent amino modified polysiloxane elastomer. It can be used for softening finishing of polyester, cotton,nylon and their blend fabrics, has good integrated property. Especially, it can impart nylon fabrics with bulky feeling.

Characteristics and advantage
Impart fabrics with excellent super soft, smooth, lofty, exquisite and elastic property.
Little de-coloring in impregnating or padding bath, low foaming.
Basically no infection on dry or wet rub fastness.
Impart fabric with nylon, and polyester flannelette, T/C velvet, cotton/spandex, cotton/nylon, T/C, T/spandex fabrics with obvious hand feeling, also bring soft, smooth, lofty, crisp and elastic effects to them.

Basic property
Appearance:   colorless or yellow viscose liquid
Ionicity:      weak cationic
pH Value:     5.0-6.5(1% aqueous solution)
Solubility:     can be dispersed in water by any ratio

Application field
Feeling finishing of cotton, polyester, nylon and their blend fabrics.

Immersion process
Add 3-5 part soft water and one part 2254+ -80%, stir to mixed even at normal temperature.
Sample, look the appearance, and qualified product is light blue semi-transparent microemulsion(best watched in glass cup).
Filtrate(160 mesh stainless net), discharge, pack.

Recommended dosage
Immersion method:  Diluted product of 2254+ -80%:  1-4% (o.w.f)
Dip padding:       Diluted product of 2254+ -80%:  10-30g/L

120kg plastic drum.

Can be stored for 6 months under cool and well ventilated condition.