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Hydrophilic silicone softener 6845C
 点击数:1011次 添加时间:2016-08-06 [打印] [返回] [收藏]
Hydrophilic silicone softener 6845C has completely new molecular structure and deliver in depth comfortable, silky and luxurious softness. It has outstanding stability for alkali, acid, anionic and high temperature and is suitable for finishing of cotton fabric , rayon and their blends in padding process, especially for cotton knitted.

Excellent soft and smoothing handle.
Good anti- phenolic yellowing performance,almost no effect on color shade.
Outstanding stability at broad pH and temperature range(e.g.,up to 80℃ at pH 10) and anti shearing, good anionic resistance.
Good hydrophilicity and can be re-dyed.
Imparts combed cotton and mercerized cotton with proper cooling handle.

Basic property
     Appearance: yellowish transparent liquid
     pH value: 4.5~5.5 (1% aqueous solution)
     Ionicity: Nonionic/weak cationic
     Solubility: easily dissolved in water at any ratio. 

Can be diluted by 1:1-2 or directly used at low dosage
Can be mixed with other softeners.

           Padding method: after dilution at 1 : 1-2,  10g/L-50g/L.  
Storage & Package:
6 month in cool place and sealed container.
120kg / drum