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Bulky silicone softener 6635
 点击数:1219次 添加时间:2016-08-06 [打印] [返回] [收藏]
6635 is a completely new multi-components copolymer organic silicone softener and has new linear chemical structure and basically emulsifier–free and can meet environment-friendly requirement with low COD(Chemical Oxygen Demand). It is very stable in water and resistant to high concentrated alkali, anti shear and high temperature. 
6635 is used for 100% cotton, wool, viscose fiber and chemical fibers and all kinds of fabrics. It gives fabric more soft and lower yellowing than amino-modified silicone softener. 

High stability (can work well on high alkali(PH 9-10) and good anti shear and high temperature)
Is compatible with anionic
Impart fabric bulky softness and high resilience.
Super low yellowing, so can be used for white/light color fabric
Is widely used for padding, exhaustion and over flow spray machine.

           Firstly dilute it 1:4-9, then adjust its ph value to 5-6.
                 Padding: after dilution at 1:4-9 by water, 40g/L-80g/L.
                 Exhaustion: after dilution at 1:4-9 by water, 4-8% o.w.f.

Storage & Package:
6 month in cool place and sealed container.
50kg or 120kg / drum