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Natural Silicone softener 6821D
 点击数:1061次 添加时间:2019-01-23 [打印] [返回] [收藏]

6821D is a new multi-copolymer silicone material and new linear chemical structure. It has excellent soft and silky smoothing hand feeling. Comparing to conventional amino silicone softener, it has better stability in high alkaline conditions and at high temperature, it also has outstanding resistance to anionic and shearing stability.

  6821D is used for 100% cotton knitted and woven fabric and other blended fabric and imparts fabric excellent soft and natural smoothing hand feeling and improve its luster as like silk.


l Impart fabric excellent soft and smoothing hand feeling and high resilience.

l High stability in ordinary textile finish process.

l It is compatible with anionic.

l Proper colour deepening effect, improve shade depth.


           Appearance:  milky liquid

           Ionicity:  weak cationic

           pH Value:  5.0-6.0(1% aqueous solution)

           Solubility:  easily diluted at any ratio.


           It can be used directly or diluted at ratio 1:1~3 by water

           Padding: 10g/L-30g/L.

           Exhaustion: 1-3% o.w.f.

Storage & Package:

6 month in cool place and sealed container.

120kg / drum