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Dye retarding agent RCT (Acrylic leveling agent)
 点击数:1115次 添加时间:2016-08-06 [打印] [返回] [收藏]
RCT is cationic surfactant that suitable for cationic dyeing. It combines with acrylic fiber earlier than dyes so that it can retard initial dyeing, gradually be replaced by cationic dyes at high temperature, and worked as leveling agent. It has better effect when used with Leveling agent M08. 

Characteristics and advantage
◎ Excellent property of retarding cationic dyes when used for dyeing of acrylic fiber.
◎ Impart fabrics with soft and smooth handle, anti-static effect.
◎ Resistant to acid and alkali, but can’t be mixed with anionic dyestuffs or surfactants.

Basic property
Appearance:   colorless or yellowish transparent liquid
Ionicity:      cationic
pH Value:     7.5-9.0(1% aqueous solution)
Solubility:    can be easily dissolved in water 

Application field
              Dyeing of acrylic and their blends with cationic dyestuffs 

Recommended dosage
Different dosage according to different color strength


  RCT       (% o.w.f)

M08 (% o.w.f)

Light color



Medium color



Deep color



120kg or 200kg plastic drum.

Can be stored for 12 months under cool and well ventilated condition. Be careful loading and unloading.