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softener flake V16
 点击数:1114次 添加时间:2016-08-06 [打印] [返回] [收藏]
Nonionic softener flake V16 is compound of fat. It can be used for softening finishing of cotton, linen and their blend fabrics, especially for white cotton, T/C knitted fabrics and battik,bring lubricating, soft feeling , massive ,certain moisture and absorbency to fabrics.

Characteristics and advantage
Excellent finishing feeling effects of massive ,soft, lubricating on fabric.
No yellowing, does not effect whiteness and color shade of fabrics.
Has good property of being mixed with anionic or cationic agent one bath.
Confect solution has excellent stability, easy using.

Basic property
Appearance:   white to yellowish flake
Ionicity:      nonionic
pH Value:     7.0-9.0 (1% aqueous solution)
Solubility:  dipped in water, heat(70-80℃), then stir enough, the product can be completely dissolved.

Application field
Softening finishing of natural fiber and their blend knitted and woven fabrics.
Softening finishing of cotton cheese.
Softening finishing of cotton ready-made clothes.

Recommended dosage
Dip padding:  10%of V16:  30-50g/L 
Pad working solution(pick-up:70-90%) → dry and stretch.
Immersion method:  10%of V16: 3-8% (o.w.f)
Liquor ratio:  1:8-1:10
Dip about 20-30minutes at room temperature→dewater → dry

25kg per bag.

Can be stored for 12 months under cool and well ventilated condition. 
Beware of being stressed for fear of agglomerating.