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Softener flake EO Cold water soluble
 点击数:1151次 添加时间:2016-08-06 [打印] [返回] [收藏]
Softener flake EO is fatty acid amide compound, it is suitable for softening finishing of woven and knitted fabric composed of cotton and linen and its blends with synthetic fiber, especial for denim fabric. The supple and soft handle can be got by finishing.

Characteristics and advantage
Impart soft, supple and fat handle
Little affect on degree of whiteness and color shade.
Be compatible with nonionic or cationic auxiliaries in one bath
Have ideal antistatic effect

Basic property
Appearance: slight yellow flake
Ionicity: weak cationic
Ph Value: 4.0~6.5(1% aqueous solution)
Solubility: can be completely dissolved after 1 hours when dipped in 30 ℃ water with enough stirring.

Denim washing 

Recommended dosage:  
10% softener flake EO   3-5% (o. w. f.)

25 kg/bag

Stored in cool and well-ventilated place, don’t give heavy pressure in order to avoid agglomeration.  Shelf life is one year.