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Non silicone liquid softener 222
 点击数:1203次 添加时间:2016-08-06 [打印] [返回] [收藏]
Non silicone liquid softener 222-PG is fatty amide compound. It can be used for feeling finishing of cotton and its blend products, can impart fabrics with excellent soft feeling and hydrophilic property. It is a new kind of softener.

Characteristics and advantage
Imparting fabrics and yarns with soft and smooth feeling, which outgoes conventional softener flake.
Bring excellent hydrophility and antistatic property to finished fabrics, impart fabrics with comfortable wearability.
Extremely little effect on whiteness and color shade of fabrics.
Needn’t de-softener if re-dyeing after softening finishing, and will not influence dye up-take.

Basic property
Appearance:   semi-transparent viscose paste
Ionicity:   cationic
pH Value:   4.5-5.0(1% aqueous solution)
Solubility:   can be completely dispersed in cold or worm water

Application field
Feeling finishing of cotton and its blend fabrics and yarns.

Recommended dosage
Exhaustion method:  Liquid softener 222:   0.3-0.5% (o.w.f) 
Padding method:  Liquid softener 222:  30-50g/l(dilute it 1:9 with water)
Action: Diluted with warm water by a certain ratio before using.

50kg plastic drum or 193kg ferric drum.

Can be stored for 12 months under cool and well ventilated condition.