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Hydrophilic liquid softener 222-SY
 点击数:1163次 添加时间:2016-08-06 [打印] [返回] [收藏]
Hydrophilic softener 222-SY is compound of ethoxy methyl quaternary ammonium with duplicate fatty amide group. It is suitable for soften finishing for cotton and its blend and can impart fabric excellent softness, smooth and hydrophilicity. 

Characteristics and advantage:
Impart fabrics and yarns with soft and smooth feeling.
Bring excellent hydrophilic and antistatic property to finished fabrics, imparts fabrics with comfortable wearability.
Extremely little effect on whiteness and color shade of fabrics.
Has good stability and resistance against alkali, salt.
Mild smell and no irritation to respiratory tract. 

Basic property:
Appearance: yellow-brown liquid
Ionicity:   cationic
pH Value:   4.0-6.0(1% aqueous solution)
Solubility:   can be completely dispersed in warm water.

Application field:
Feeling finishing of cotton and its blend fabrics and yarns.

Recommended dosage:
Exhaustion method:  Liquid softener 222-SY:  0.3-0.8% (o.w.f) 
Padding method:  Liquid softener 222-SY:  30-80g/l(dilute it 1:9 with water)

120kg per plastic drum 
Can be stored for 6 months under cool and well ventilated condition.