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Synthetic thickener for pigmengt printing LY-8100
 点击数:1126次 添加时间:2016-08-06 [打印] [返回] [收藏]
Pigment printing synthetic thickener LY-8100is acrylic acid polymer matter. it is used for pigment printing of cotton . 
Characteristics and advantage
Rapid thickening effect with low dosage . high paste-forming ratio.
Excellent hygroscopic property,stable in electrolyte solution.
The pattern profile is clear, High colour yield, and the luster is bright
Environmentally friendly , APEO & formaldehyde free, meet the Oeko-Tex 100 regulation 

Basic property
Appearance:   light yellow viscous liquid
Ionicity:   anionic
pH Value:   7.0-8.0
Recommended dosage
Preparation of white paste:
           add 3% percent of thickener into pure water and mix them into paste.
Preparation of printing paste:
           Preparation paste X%, pigment X%, binder 5~30%   
120kg per plastic drum 
Can be stored for 6 months under cool and well ventilated condition. The storage temperature should be 0℃~40℃。